Get your ticket to Swing of Music!

Very important!!!

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Workshop - Tickets

Incl. all Workshops, 3 Parties, access to Competition, excl. Fee - 158 Euro


Party Tickets

3 Parties, accesse  to Competition, excl. Fee - 126 Euro


Adv./AllStar Tickets

3 Workshops, 3 Parties, accesse  to Competition, excl. Fee


Advanced 80 Euro

AllStars 50 Euro

  • When booking a double hotel room, only one person needs to book the room!
  • If you have several options to choose from, the other options must be set to “nothing”.
  • Otherwise the purchase cannot be completed!
  • The prices in the ticket store are shown without tax. This is added at the end. 
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Roland Hamm


TEL: +43/650/2273701